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Maldives Government Takes Action Against Ministers for Derogatory Remarks on PM Modi

Maldives government has taken stern action against three of its deputy ministers, Mariyam Shiuna, Malsha Sharif, and Mahzoom Maajid. Their suspension follows the uproar caused by derogatory remarks made against Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on social media platforms.

Suspension and Official Response

The government’s decision to suspend the ministers came swiftly after their social media posts surfaced, attracting widespread criticism. These posts, which included disparaging comments against Prime Minister Modi, were deemed unacceptable by the Maldivian authorities. In an official statement, the government clarified that such personal opinions do not align with the nation’s stance or represent its views.

Remarks and Condemnation

The remarks made by Mariyam Shiuna, in particular, drew significant attention. Her now-deleted post on a social media platform featured images of PM Modi, accompanied by derogatory language and comparisons that sparked condemnation from various quarters, including former Maldivian President Mohamed Nasheed. Nasheed expressed dismay over the disrespectful language used by a government official towards a key ally like India, emphasizing the need for the government to distance itself from such statements.


Social Media Fallout about Maldives

The fallout from these derogatory remarks resulted in a social media clash between Maldivian officials and Indian users. While some Maldivian users resorted to racist remarks, Indian social media users initiated a campaign using the hashtag “Boycott Maldives,” vowing to abstain from visiting the island nation for vacations.

Diplomatic Concerns

India, responding to the offensive comments, raised concerns over the derogatory remarks through diplomatic channels. The Maldives government, on its part, emphasized the importance of exercising freedom of expression responsibly, highlighting the need to avoid spreading negativity that could strain international relationships.

Impact on Bilateral Relations


The incident has led to a strain in relations between India and the Maldives, with the latter’s government leaning towards aligning itself more closely with the Arab world. President Mohammad Muizzu’s recent international trip to Turkey, known for its anti-India stance, further indicates a shift in diplomatic alignments.

Domestic and International Reactions

Domestically, the Maldives’ political circles reacted strongly, with figures like former President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih condemning the use of hateful language against India. Solih emphasized the historical friendship between the two nations and urged against allowing such derogatory remarks to mar this longstanding relationship.


The suspension of the deputy ministers reflects the Maldives government’s stance against derogatory statements made on social media, especially against key allies like India. The incident has underscored the importance of responsible use of freedom of expression in the digital age and serves as a reminder of the delicate nature of international relations in the era of social media.

This incident should ideally prompt a reflection on the impact of words on diplomacy, urging individuals, especially public officials, to exercise prudence and responsibility while expressing personal opinions on public platforms.

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