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Friday, July 26, 2024

Rohtak’s Weather Tale:Embracing the Mystical Fog


Rohtak, a city draped in the veil of fog, seems to be experiencing a weather phenomenon that’s not just chilling the air but also casting a serene yet enigmatic aura. As temperatures plummet, the city finds itself enveloped in a wintry spell, with forecasts predicting a continued drop till December 21st.


The Chilling Descent

The mercury in Rohtak has been on a downward spiral, reaching a minimum of 7.4 degrees Celsius and a maximum of 20.1 degrees Celsius. The night’s plunging temperatures have not only caused shivers but have also compelled locals to seek solace indoors. The streets wear a deserted look as dusk settles in, with people bundling up in layers of innerwear, sweaters, jackets, woolens, and caps.

Navigating the Foggy Mornings

Mornings have become a mystical affair as fog blankets the landscape, reducing visibility significantly. The brisk cold air nudges individuals to cocoon themselves in warm attire, creating a picturesque yet challenging scene for daily commuters.

Seeking  Daylight

The sun, offers some respite during the day, providing a slight relief from the biting cold. However, as the evening approaches, the shivers intensify, hinting at even colder nights ahead. The forecast suggests a further drop in nighttime temperatures, promising more chilly evenings in the days to come.

Bracing for the Wintry Days

As we brace ourselves for the days ahead, the weather forecast hints at continued dryness till December 21st. The anticipation of north-westerly winds brings a glimmer of hope for a slight rise in temperature, accompanied by a probable continuation of foggy mornings.

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